[Salon] PM hopeful Liz Truss 'stands with Israel' over Gaza assault

Chas shared an article yesterday on how "Britain is rewriting the rules of social collapse. How fast can a modern society collapse? How hard? How many Big Lies can it believe in? How foolish can a rich country really be? Can a modern, civilized nation really just…lapse into self-destruction?

I tried to “Reply,” which doesn’t always seem to go through, and didn’t, thusly: 

And this is Britain’s solution, following the lead of the US, as shared with me by a friend:

The last seconds to midnight on the Doomsday Clock are quickly clicking away! You know we've arrived at the point of no return of extreme brainwashing, when a leader is applauded for opting for world annihilation.

And BBC targets antiwar academics and journalists.  Scott Ritter is mentioned in the UK intel plotters' emails.

And added: "But here’s the solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yngC0KhC6wU"

“PM hopeful Liz Truss” is the perfect Conservative of the sort which the template for was created in the US Conservative Movement in the 1950s. “Quick on the draw,” like the founders at National Review demanded, and willing to go to the lengths depicted in this must see movie, as always demanded by the Republican Party, with the exception of Ronald Reagan when this movie awakened in him concern that perhaps bellicosity was being taken too far:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iyy9n8r16hs

That was the subject of a Zoom meeting yesterday which Dan Ellsberg was a guest on. The movie’s effect on Reagan led to the first, slight, “step-back” from the extreme militarism which the Republican Party prided itself on since the 1950s and ever since under the influence of the Conservative Movement, as ideologically founded in the 1950s. Reagan took a lot of criticism from his own party for arms-control talks with Gorbachev, and the brief warming of the Cold War which followed, though it led to the collapse of the USSR. But Dick Cheney was there in 1992 to create the conditions for a new Cold War with the Cheney Doctrine and Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, and the Republicans (137 co-sponsors, 1 Democratic co-sponsor) led the way in 1994 to make it official with the “Contract for America” provision for the so-called "The  National Security Restoration Act,” which became:

H.R.7 - National Security Revitalization Act - https://www.congress.gov/bill/104th-congress/house-bill/7/cosponsors.

Coming directly out of the Contract Gingrich put out on Americans in 1994, the U.S. economy was henceforth to be driven by the principle: 
“Everything in the National Security State, nothing outside the National Security State, nothing against the National Security State.”

That the success of that strategy would be so alluring for Democrats to adopt doesn’t change its “Origins” as arising out of the Conservative Movement, as first articulated by the CIA’s “Influence campaigners” at National Review, so experienced in such operations from their active CIA days: Buckley, and his mentors, Willmoore Kendall and James Burnham, the original models on “National Security” issues for what would become known as “Neoconservatives,” though not on the domestic issues. 

Contrary to those who assert that Neoconservatives “infiltrated” Conservative’s ranks, history shows that as “liberals” like Irving Kristol claim to have been “mugged by reality,” and thereby moved to the Conservative ranks, they were in fact met with welcoming arms in Conservative ranks in full agreement with the so-called Neocons on what is euphemistically called “Defense issues.” They didn’t change Conservatives ideologically on those issues who were already “extreme” on them. But as the Republican Party became more “radicalized” (extreme) on those issues with Goldwater’s campaign, the GOP and “Conservatism” became the natural home for what would become the Scoop Jackson Democrats as most migrated out of the Democratic Party in the 1970s, but leaving enough of a “remnant” to actually take over that party by the late 1990’s. That was particularly the case in Minnesota. 

The final element of that was with what Leon Hadar called “The Likudization’ of the GOP” (see attached 1996 article), which completed the “Right-wing Radicalization of the GOP, down to the Trump administration, which didn’t spell the end of “Neoconservatism,” but merely its irrelevancy as the “Likudization of the GOP” was totally consummated with the “relations” between Netanyahu and Trump, the Ultimate “Friend of Bibi,” as 4 years of Trump proved with all that Trump gifted Bibi and the Israeli Radical Right with. That Biden has continued much/most of that, it only proves the “ratchet” effect of politics, not that Trump was “innocent” in all that he did for what many in Israel consider a form of fascism.  

Liz Truss is following that same path and even a vigorous proponent for the fusionism of Israeli, UK, and US, Conservatism, as increasingly all national distinctions within these country’s conservative ideologies are extinguished as they virtually become one and the same, as Yoram Hazony works so arduously for. The final stage of the Likudization of Conservatism it can be said.  

PM hopeful Liz Truss 'stands with Israel' over Gaza assault

The current foreign secretary, with a healthy lead over Rishi Sunak in the polls, has been talking tough in support of Israel in recent days to win over lobbyists within her party.

Liz Truss has never used the word Palestine in the UK parliament, records show [Getty]

UK foreign secretary and possible future prime minister Liz Truss has said “the UK stands by Israel and its right to defend itself” in a statement released yesterday. 

Truss, who is in pole position to win the Tory leadership race next month, said “we condemn terrorist groups firing at civilians”, without making reference to escalatory violence by Israel in recent days. 

The Israeli air force bombardments have killed at least 32 people in recent days, including five-year-old girl Alaa Qaddum

The foreign secretary’s vocal support for Israel came after she wrote an open letter to UK lobby group Conservative Friends of Israel (CFoI), keen to garner their support for her leadership bid. 

In her letter on Friday Truss hinted at moving the UK’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, promising to “review the location”. 

She wrote on Friday that after “many” conversations with her “good friend” Yair Lapid on the topic she would “review a move to ensure we are operating on the strongest footing with Israel.”

Truss also vowed to “put a stop” to local UK councils introducing boycott, divestment and sanctions policies in solidarity with Palestinians. 

The conservative friends of Israel is a lobby group with over 2,000 members that organises pro-Israel events in Westminster, takes Tory MPs on trips to Israel and campaigns for the conservative party in marginal seats.

Her rhetoric over the last few days has drawn swift condemnation from parliamentarians and supporters of Palestine within UK politics and beyond. 

“Shamefully blinkered statement from Secretary of State Liz Truss. Not a word of criticism of Israeli air strikes on residential buildings in Gaza which have already killed 15 Palestinians” said former parliamentarian Richard Burden. 

“Britain wants to take over from the US in becoming Israel's unconditional supporter?” asked Youssef Cherif, director of Columbia Global Center in Tunis. 

“This statement on Gaza from Liz Truss is contemptuous, grotesque and ethically barren. Anybody working in the FCDO should be ashamed and appalled of this total contempt for Palestinian life” said Joseph Willitts from the Council for Arab British Understanding.

The Labour party in the UK is yet to release an official statement regarding this week’s escalations in Gaza. 

Gaza's health ministry said at least 32 were killed and scores injured in the air strikes on Friday night and Saturday morning. Among those killed was a five-year-old girl.

"Israel isn't interested in a wider conflict in Gaza, but will not shy away from one either," Lapid said in a nationally televised address.  

Attachment: The Friends of Bibi (FOBs) vs. The New Middle East.pdf
Description: The Friends of Bibi (FOBs) vs. The New Middle East.pdf

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